Mar 9Liked by Rebecca Holden

Whoa! We're the same height 😃😃

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That's a very nice field trip post. You mention "visiting" Paris and the Eiffel tower, wow, I just wrote and post about it. I mean, from a bit different perspective.



Oh, and Mona Lisa is a guy, right? LOL She's such an emo girl.


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Firstly, thank you so much for your recommendation. I was really touched as I worry about talking about my writing life. I never want to seem as if I'm pushing the barrow.

But to your own essay - to read about your views on museums, open houses and exhibitions, I agree entirely - to wander wherever at one's own pace and focus on the THINGS (that butterfly, the display of blue and white porcelain, the doll's house model of Scott's building in Antarctica, complete with miniature books, notebooks, food supplies etc). I hate following the arrows - ambling is so very important. And huge thank you's for the virtual tours links as well. From way down here, what a privilege to wander so far from home.

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Oh I loved so much about this post, starting with the fact that we have driven by the large signs pointing to Gilbert White's house so many times! We finally looked him up to learn who was so famous that a sign could be erected on the Motorway just to point out his house, and decided we must stop sometime. Thanks for the wonderful preview! And I too love patterned wallpapers, so agree with your distraction there as well. Plus the interesting backstory on the pattern. Fascinating!

I would love to be the kind of person who notates my observations in the garden, but alas, I am not. Still, I value the detailed observations of your parents. Loved the comment about the nightingales singing with gusto! What a treat that must have been!

Thanks for brightening my Saturday!

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The interesting thing to me about Gilbert White is that with all his observational skills and scientific approach, he wasn't able to intuit where birds disappear to in winter. He thought they might spend the winter at the bottom of a pond. His is full of meticulously recorded detail.

A for Jane Austen, because of her height she had to buy an extra half yard of material for her dresses, meaning that being tall was an expensive business.

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Very enjoyable. I loved the variety in this post

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Love the field trip - agree, museums should speak to you, even if that means eschewing the Mona Lisa! I could maybe wear Austen’s dress as a hand puppet.

(And you’re very sweet in sharing my post from this week. 🥹 Thank you.)

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Mar 9Liked by Rebecca Holden

Another wonderful post. My Mum kept a Things of Note diary (exercise books) for many, many years. Always fun to glance through them. The relatable things, those we connect with, are always the things that resonate, that bring us joy. I love your selection. A really cool place to visit. Thanks so much.

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Thank you for taking us along on your museum venture. And thanks for standing next to Jane’s clothes for comparison. As for Jane’s size dress it’s hard to imagine being a 0-2. I’d never heard of that size for women until about ten years ago. With those numbers I think of toddlers.

At 12 years of age, I was 5’6” and wearing a pant size 8 in juniors. At 15, I was 5’8” and maybe I could have worn that size dress, I was always tall and slender, OK, skinny, but still, I highly think not, I was a perfect “36”— 12, 12, & 12. 😉

I grew an extra inch at 17 years of age topping out a little over 5’9”.

My brothers use to tease me with jokes like If I stuck out my tongue, and turned sideways I’d look like a zipper, and I could run between raindrops and never get wet, etc. I’m sure you may have heard them also in your youth.

As for the garden Diary, I used to keep one when we first moved here almost 24 years ago. I still have the journal, but since reading this, you got me wondering where it has gotten off to, as I’ve not seen it in the last few years. 🤔

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Mar 9Liked by Rebecca Holden

That pic of you reminds me of how I often have to crouch down in some of the older low-ceilinged buildings in New England. Was everyone petite 200 years ago??

Thanks for the shout-out. I’m glad you enjoyed this week’s offering 😂

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Liked by Rebecca Holden

Rebecca, your piece was so wonderfully detailed, inspiring and now has me ready to go exploring! The delicious details, and accompanying photos made me feel as though I was with you, and wished I was! Truly, I needed a spark of life, something to wake me from my numbness of grief (my own story), and your exploring has done just that. Lovely!

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Thank you for taking us on a tour! I usually read an intro panel and then gravitate to wherever my eyes (or emotions) pull me. At barely 5 foot tall (4’11 1/2 to be exact but I tend to round it off when asked in forms!) I thoroughly enjoyed your photos to scale comparison. Made me think about my vertically challenged stories!

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I love museums so enjoyed this post very much. To follow the guides or take our own path? That is the question. I fully agree that it is a luxurious feeling to walk around giving our attention to the things that resonate with us the most while also being quite certain I've missed out on some good stuff because I couldn't (ever - I can never seem to get it to work) get the self-guided tour to work on my phone.

Love the pictures, thanks!

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I'd never seen any of the Jane Austen: amazing. Rebecca, Are you reading Plain Jane https://substack.com/@austenconnection? A terrific Substack all about Austen and derivatives of her work that will surprise you.

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I love your takeaways from these museums.

I’m with you regarding art being subjective. It wasn’t the Mona Lisa that lured me in but so many other tremendous works at the Louvre.

Why did the good reverend feel the need to record how many cucumbers he sliced?

Your parent’s garden diary is delightful. I hope it brought up fond memories for them. What a nice way to slow down life— record the weather, an unusual bird sighting…

Jane Austen's house! She was tiny! Wonderful pics.

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Mar 9Liked by Rebecca Holden

I absolutely love this newsletter edition!!!! Thank you for it!!!! I love museums of all sorts and I have an odd way of touring them: I go through one time on my own (not part of a tour) and I avoid looking at any written text. I just look at and respond to the objects etc with my 5 senses, my imagination and I record my thoughts in my sketchbook. Then I go through the entire exhibition again but this time I read the written texts... I basically visit two different museums this way 🤣🤣

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