I would trust you far more than I'd trust the Sat. Nav, Rebecca.

And I have to say, I really love that expression - 'Plough your own furrow'. It's a keeper and I'm writing it in my journal. Haven't heard it for years.

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Jan 20Liked by Rebecca Holden

Did you ever watch the TV series, The Americans? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2149175/. We noticed in the series that if a character was rummaging around for something in a place that character shouldn't be, a photo was taken before the rummaging so the rummager could put everything back the way it was. Have you tried taking photos of landmarks or even just what you see in front of you, or behind you, so that the way to and from, might be more manageable? Just an idea. That might be a lot of swiping, though. . . We used to have a piece of chalk and make marks on tree trunks, fences, rocks, and so on, when exploring the fields and woods of my childhood town. In the fields, we might insert a stick in the ground with a ribbon tied round the top as a "you're on the right way!" marker. There's a movie in your life, Rebecca, and multiple-Oscar-winning movie, full of the best things. 🗺

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Aww, thank you, Rebecca for this! I truly appreciate it. I just woke up and you brought a smile and a hearty laugh after reading your lost adventures! Those huge parking lots are the worse. I always make sure to snap a photo of the stall number and what floor I’m in. Worst case scenario, I could ask a parking attendant to help me find my car using the photos as reference. Thankfully, I haven’t had to do that. Knock on wood!

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Pardon me if I repeat myself, but have you read Bruce Chatwin’s The Songlines, about how aboriginal people in Australia literally sing the landscape into their memories, when they are on walkabout? I’ve often thought that my wife, who has trouble with directions AND who had a Belgian mom and Australian dad, can’t find her way in the US because her brain is singing the wrong landscapes. How’s your singing voice?

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Jan 20Liked by Rebecca Holden

I am ok with woods walking because I can look at trees and then follow the trees back. But I too am totally lost in buildings. You might take a photo looking back every now and then, and then follow the photos back.

I would never ever go into a maze. I would have to crawl out under the bushes. Or they would find my skeleton someday.

I get lost every time there is a detour as the detour markers only tell you once that you have to get off the main road. Once I missed an exit (it was rainy and I was going too fast to take it) and so I drove to the next, then turned around. There was no exit to get to the street I wanted to go onto, so I took the exit anyway, and somehow got lost in a condo complex. I literally was just going to sleep in my car as I couldn’t find my way out. But after about 20 minutes I managed to exit, and then drove around another half hour until I found the correct street.

And I once went North instead of South on a major highway and didn’t realize it until I saw a sign for a different state.

Oh, and once my ex husband and I got lost coming home from an afternoon picnic and drove until we saw a sign for Canada before we figured out we were going the wrong way.

I also navigated my boss to Annapolis instead of DC. I was grounded from using the map after that. Oh well. I told him I couldn’t navigate anywhere!

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Jan 20Liked by Rebecca Holden

Oh how I needed to hear those waves today and read these words! Thank you so much Rebecca.

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Jan 20Liked by Rebecca Holden

I learned a new word here -- "to scupper". Your addition of the sound effects was delightful. (The waves sound like home to me!) This was as delightful to read the second time as the first. Never hesitate to bring things back up from the archive. It is a great idea - you have so many new subscribers. I, like you, go back to resurrect a previous piece and am often shocked to see how much improvement it needs! That just tells me that I have learned a lot over my two years writing -- and READING, on Substack.

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Jan 20Liked by Rebecca Holden

I love taking a hike with you, Rebecca. I feel like I have already put in my daily miles ( sitting here in my pajamas) and don't even have to go out. Beautiful writing here. I love the expression fizzingly busy.

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Lovely, thanks for reposting. 💜

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You and my hubby are directionally challenged. How about using a field chalker? It’s smaller than a plow. 😉

I must add that when old buildings— especially hospitals— have additions on top of additions they are impossible to navigate. My daughter works at a hospital and every time I talk to her during her lunch hour, as she sits in a side lobby, at least twice in the conversation, she will say, Hold on mom, someone’s asking me for directions. A few times we ended the call so she could guide a lost person to their destination.

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I don't know why you don't do what I do. Armed with my copy of The Old Straight Track, I walk only on ley lines. They are always straight, so it's impossible to get lost.

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Loved this, Rebecca. I have a problem with following directions as well as trails. One day, while looking for my daughter's office in the local Health Dept. building, I listened carefully to the girl at the desk who told me explicitly to go ALL THE WAY DOWN THE HALWAY AND NO GO UP THE STAIRS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALL That led to the psych ward where privacy was well guarded. So, I start walking. Seeing the stairs, of course, I go up them and through a pair of swinging doors. Um .... sitting in a circle of chairs was a group of people in counseling. Turn around quick and backtrach, Dimwad! I eventually found my daughter's office and nobody yelled at me.

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Thank you for leading me to Sundays with Stella! ♥️

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Rebecca -- I thought of "us" directionally challenged folks two days ago as I navigated my way into and out of a parking garage. I exited the hotel, walked UP the short flight of stairs to the level where I'd parked (and took a photo--which is a most helpful tool for me!), then doubled back to get a second load of stuff from the hotel. On the way back, I went UP the short flight of stairs, looked around, didn't recognize a thing, then realized I should have gone DOWN the stairs. All the while talking to myself about my silly mistake. Anyone in earshot must have had a curious look on their face.

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