deletedNov 16, 2023Liked by Rebecca Holden
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Always enjoy your banter with Terry!

Speaking of “Smart Meters”... (this is a trigger for us! LOL!)

Quite a few years ago now when they first came out here in my home state of Maine, I’d heard some horror stories about them, everything from their causing some real sensitive people to get headaches from them to catching homes on fire. Yikes! Plus we were perfectly happy with our old analogue meter. Add to that, because of the smart meters, they would be cutting out many jobs for those who came out monthly to “read the meters”. My husband who is a mathemagician when it comes to numbers was always able to read our meter after the reader came out. He’d do a double check. Those who opted for the smart meters, or didn’t know they had a choice, later were getting screwed royally on their electric bills. So much so that we have a face book page all about how many people our local CMP (Central Maine Power) has not responded to many of their customers complaints about the new meters jacking up their bills. It all came to a head a couple years ago when the Public Utilities Commission was forced to investigate. But it was like the wolf checking in on the sheep. Nothing much came of it. As it stands our Electric company has most of their shareholders in Spain. We have a hard time trying to figure that one out! But I digress... long story short, even though our Electric bill is high, at least we still have our old analogue meter. The reader comes and reads it every month. With the implementation of smart readers, they were coming only every 3 months to read our analogue. When the bills were not adding up right, we complained and they now come every month like they used to.

The interim election last week, we tried to vote CMP out, in favor of “Pine Tree Power” where the people of Maine would eventually own the power company like a co-op. Sadly it got voted down. The big conglomerates in Spain had way more money to throw into the ring than PTP. Also, the Unions voted against it. And so progress and improvements as always move at a glacials pace.

Look forward to your next posts. ❤️

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Rebecca Holden

The bit about counting? Superb. The T and E meeting? Also superb. (My brain? Currently winding down for bed - not superb!!). That video!! Of the ice!!! Wow!!! A fun read, as always. Thanks SO much. 🤗🤗😘😘🌼🌼

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There's so much goodness here, Rebecca, and good-hearted teasing. But, the SYMMETRY!! Do we need an intervention? I shouldn't presume that for you, but sometimes I think it for me. Wonderful read. The correspondence is such fun.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Rebecca Holden

"forgive me: I cannot possibly review such a volume on the brief pages of this letter, for the very idea of so exhausting a task has given me quite the headach¹. Upon my word, sir, I feel a pressing need for my phial of aromatic vinegar." Superb!! And, PLEASE, toss out that smart meter! I mean, really, Rebecca, is life so full of comfort we can now deny ourselves light and warmth!. All these diabolical little devices incessantly nag at us -- it can't be good for the soul.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Rebecca Holden

You know how much I love glimpses of your notes, Rebecca! Your marginalia was a treat :)

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I love books with scribbles and annotations, especially Jane Austen's who seems to always have a protagonist who steps out for a walk in the rain and catches her death, or near-misses! Despite the so-called smart meter, do stay nice and cosily warm...💛

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Rebecca, Love this. Also a tip and a shoutout: You'd love https://austenconnection.substack.com

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You always give me a giggle Rebecca! And what a nice gesture to make the repair man a cup of tea...hope it's up and running. :)

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I’m just teaching Northanger Abbey this week--so much fun.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Rebecca Holden

By all accounts, Austen was either an atrocious speller or a devotee of the creative spellings of the day.

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My dearest friend, Rebecca,

I hope this finds you well and planning another outing either with the Honourable James your husband, or your friend the estimable Lord Terence of Castle Freedman.

I must offer profound apologies for taking as long as I have to make commentary. Simply, the house has been in uproar and much unravelling of sensibilities has occurred.

It took time to wind them up again and proceed in a calm manner. I refuse to bore you with the detail. Much nicer to think of things like Jane Austen's writings, and of the Puddlegate Affair.

Did you know that Jane Austen's books are much loved by me and I often think I would like a sprigged muslin gown and Spencer jacket to wear on my sojourns through the park.

I fancy that the hem of my gown would not appreciate Lord Terence's Puddlegate.

My kindest regards to the Honourable James and to yourself and I have fervent hopes that one day, we are able to meet in The Tearooms.

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I just saw something on "The Weather Channel" here in the USA about clear ice. It was amazing seeing the rocks underneath. The person was walking across the ice and you could hear it cracking. They said you had to be careful when you did it.

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We have resisted the call to install a smart meter. We've been threatened (subtly), blackmailed (subtly) and advertised to (unsubtly) but we like sending in our readings and having full control.

I will be reading Mansfield Park next.

More importantly though: how could you write in a book with a PEN???????😱 Sacrilege! Philistinism! I am writing to The Times about it.

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