You should have complained about being transported in an unfinished bus. I mean, it didn't even have a roof 😱

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🤣 Just as well on a day like that, Terry! The people seated downstairs were sweltering...! 🥵

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Fair enough

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Eating asparagus with a fork is an abomination 💯 great post Rebecca x

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Thanks, Jill! And I entirely agree! 🤣

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Cute, cute, cute!

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Thanks, Sharron! 😊

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Can’t stop that song going round in my head, ting ting!

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🤣 It's brilliant, isn't it?! I've always loved Flanders & Swann!

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I love your Letters to Terry - their eclecticism is honestly a thing of wonder!

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Thanks so much, Prue! We both really enjoy writing them! 😊

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Thanks, Prue. It's enjoyable to chat about anything and everything😃

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I like the signs that you have over there discouraging the dog deposits. We have something similar here at my condo. It doesn't always work though.

It looks like you eat good. Too bad I can't reach through the screen and grab some. It looks delicious. I've never had asparagus before though.

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The signs are never enough, somehow! There is still dog poo everywhere. *sighs*

It's such a shame that the asparagus season is over, but it just keeps me keen for next year! 🤣 As you know we camp pretty often, and on a work day in particular we find the best way to feed ourselves is to take frozen home-cooked meals with us to thaw and heat up on the van's stove, with some veg (asparagus!) to cook quickly alongside. Much better (and sooo much cheaper) than relying on pubs or takeaways on the road, especially bearing in mind we might be in the middle of nowhere, or a shoot has finished very late in the day and nothing's open. 🤣

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It's nice to have that stove in the van. It's like a mini-house on wheels. 😀

Nothing being open intrigues me. How late do some of these shoots go?

I hear you on it being cheaper. I was planning to get some food at a fast-food restaurant and once I priced it out, I had to pass on it. it would have cost over $25 for two sandwiches, two fries, and two drinks. Do you know how many groceries I can buy with that kind of money?

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It's so useful, honestly! Jim uses it day-to-day for his work, but when we're a long way from home it's just easier and cheaper to camp, so it's lovely to have everything on board. We bought the van just before the first Covid lockdown because of a big work project that involved a lot of travelling and overnighting - it was wonderful at the time, and it's been even more wonderful ever since.

The nothing being open thing - I guess it's more that there mightn't be anywhere nearby to find a hot meal, OR that it's a Sunday or Monday evening, which is when many pubs don't provide food.

A line I quite often use is 'I'd rather eat food I already own'. Does that sound crazy? In fact, I know that doesn't sound at all crazy to you, Matt, because we're clearly on the same page with this kind of stuff!

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Love the photo of the wildflowers and the bus! Checked out the song, too - thanks for link. I didn't know it, now I do. :-)

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So glad, Mary! Thanks for reading - and I'm pleased you enjoyed that little Flanders & Swann moment! 🎵

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Anyone would think English people are mental reading this.

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