Oh I love this. 🤣 Shame it had to come from Amazon (boo, Bezos) but a very elegant solution nonetheless. I just moved to Notes on my phone so, for the first time in about 25 years, have stopped carrying a notebook everywhere. I feel naked 😳 but it does cut out the intermediate step of transcription...
Thanks, Jill! And you make an excellent point about Amazon. How are you getting on with the Notes app? It’s such a different process to notebooking, but is certainly convenient and potentially time-saving! My regular collaborator Terry Freedman suggested voice notes a while back, when I was complaining that my fingers were too cold to write! Haven’t tried yet!
Somewhat to my shame, I am really liking Notes. I love that I can use it on my phone to make notes as I go and then just open the app on my laptop later to edit/keep going. I think my thumbs can capture a thought as quickly as (maybe quicker than?) my whole hand... ✍️ I should test that theory. X
Oooooh, thumbs! That might be a way for me to go - I'm sooooo slow on a phone keyboard! It's great that it works across phone/tablet/computer - I might just have a dabble...
One of our cats, Minty, has a habit of leaping on to my lap every time I get my laptop out. That happened yesterday, so I read some of a book I had to review instead, and made notes on it by speaking into my phone into a google doc. That text will form the basis of my review. It definitely works, even though it's not my preference. But Minty comes first (we're planning to elope together).
Very ingenious! Will have to remember this as I was recently gifted a small sketchbook of similar size, specifically for times when I’ve photographed all the birds but Ben still has lots of fishing left in the tank. (I’ve also been thinking about a front holster for my camera and lens, so I can wear it while hiking but free up my hands for balance...like one of those baby pouches, but for gear 😅)
I carry my notebook in my tote bag, or my belt bag. I am very much a Bag Person (actually this is what my next post is going to be about), schlepping my stuff around like that. At home, I have different notebooks in different rooms. Good for organization? No. Good for creativity? Yup! I also keep a little notebook (a physician brought it back from Germany for me!) on my desk at work for non-work ideas that pop into my head - if there’s something really good, I take a photo of the page with my phone and bring it home that way.
I love your idea of having different notebooks in different rooms, Alison! Mind you, I’d get sooooo lost - ‘Where was I when I wrote THAT down…?’ is something I’d be asking myself repeatedly if I couldn’t find a note I’d made! Great plan to take a snap of notes made at work - that’s a pro tip!
I used to be all about bags, but in the first lockdown I didn’t leave the house at all for months, and so I just had everything in my basket. I love my Kånken backpack, though - and having a bag again means that I know I’ve got everything with me whether I’m at home, at work or just out.
Your belt bag sounds interesting! Looking forward to your post about bag life. 😊
Oh, Lord. I hadn't thought about the back pocket sag. But in my case, perhaps "perky" isn't exactly a need or desire.
Such a struggle to find a practical and fashionable solution to the dragging-the-notebook-around problem. But resourcefulness wins in the end, doesn't it!
I have always had the little notebooks in the back right pocket or sometimes in the right pocket of a jacket. (I am the kind of guy who wears a jacket in order to have more pockets. Useful things, pockets.) The larger format notebooks always seemed difficult to carry around, so when I had one, it sticks on the desk or table where it was carried last. Not handy.
And thank you for the heads up on my replication of your "Leave a Comment" button confusion! I got caught by that Substack misdirection, too. I'd have never noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out to me.
I love that you dress according to your need for pockets - that's such a great plan!
LOL re the 'Leave a comment' button - I had no idea what had happened in that last post of mine, and it had been driving me absolutely nuts! I couldn't believe the coincidence of it happening to you - this isn't in anyway Schadenfreude, but I read your 'Leaning over the hood' post yesterday just after scheduling this one, and when I'd tried and failed to comment I was like 'YES! It's NOT just me!!!' Kindred spirits, Mark! 🤣 Glad you managed to get it sorted - I have now left the comment I'd intended!
I love this little notebook! It reminds me of my grandfather and some of my great uncles- my mom’s side of the family are all MASSIVE more takers. These days, I just jot down ideas on my phone in the notes app. Those (sometimes) get translated into a more fleshed out version of what I’m putting in my newsletter this month in my journal. I love my journals, but I certainly haven’t found a handy way to carry them.
I'm so pleased, Camille! How lovely that you've got such a long-standing notebooking family history! I don't use the notes app on my phone - it's something I ought to try out - I find I'm pretty slow on a phone keyboard, so my first choice has always been pen and paper. One of these days I'll catch up with the tech that I'm always two steps behind on!
I totally get it ! I was born into the generation of phones and its super handy to always have around because my mind is always going- but I can appreciate writing everything down !
Oh I love this! Was so excited to see you finally got around to figuring out a book belt! It looks very stylish! And you’re following in the footsteps of some brilliant Renaissance people!
Thanks, Jillian! LOL - I'm showing my ignorance here, but I'd never come across book belts before - I didn't even know they were a thing! I'm really, really pleased with mine.
I wonder if you've done a post about any Renaissance 'book beltists' that was published before I landed on Substack - if you have, would you be able to link it here? That would be so great! 😊
Ooooh, thanks for the link, Jillian - gosh, I don't know how I'd missed this!
This is very likely to be related to my hopeless powers of recollection these days, but I really don't remember talking about notebook belts before! Now they're at the front of my mind, though, I'm going to be looking out for them on every waistband that passes me!
FOUND IT, Jillian!!!! The mention of notebook holsters was by the fabulous Anne Kadet on your Patricia Highsmith post, which you'd posted a while before I'd found you and subscribed! I'm so glad I looked back. Anyway, I've been making up for not having seen all of your September posts (the first I'd seen had been Virginia Woolf) - I've had an absolutely gorgeous re-read of almost your entire Substack canon this evening, including comments, and I'm in absolute HEAVEN!
You so magically built up suspense in this story I could hardly wait to get to the end to find out the solution! Nice work. Two other ideas you might consider researching: the flat nylon mesh passport pouches that attach inside your waist band, OR for some occasions, the tall socks travelers wear that have a pocket for carrying a passport?
But the thing that really got me was your invention of the word pocketage. It called to mind a line in a film where a teenage boy made a lewd comment about a girl's "breastage". And my little nephew, who offered to clean up the ribbons and shredded paper debris after Xmas calling it "wrappage". You may get lost, but you are a CLEVER woman who gets lost.
Sharron, you're so kind - thank you! And two new suggestions for carrying a notebook - oooooh, I might just have to look into those! I had no idea such socks existed!
I had fun with 'pristine pocketage'! I enjoy coming up with quirky alliterative phrases just for a giggle. If a word doesn't yet exist, then heck, that's an invitation to invent one! 'Breastage' is funny - just a short sidestep from 'cleavage' - and I love 'wrappage'!
Your posts continue to be a highlight in my Saturday mornings! "pristine pocketage"--I'm dying!
I carry an A5 dot-grid journal with me most of the time. I've taken to brightly colored ones so I can spot them quickly as I'm going from room to room at home or if I go over to my event venue two blocks away. In the last couple of years I've started using a particular style crossbody purse that is large enough to slip the notebook into. No, I don't walk around my house wearing a crossbody bag, but when I'm out shopping or walking to the post office, etc., I typically have this bag with me.
When I need to lighten things up, I might leave the purse and only take my phone, photo ID, and a credit card, which I can slide into a pocket. In those situations, I pull out my phone and add my thoughts to a note.
Love your solution! We all have to find what works for our own wardrobe and lifestyle.
I love that you take your A5 notebook with you - and it's a great plan to have a bright colour to make it easy to spot! I've always find it interesting thinking about what people take with them when they're out and about - I always seem to carry loads. Oddly, if I've got stuck into reading a really good book I'm always desperate to take that with me everywhere, even when I know there's little to no chance of getting to read it! 🤣
I think it helps that I work from home now. I don't really have to think about what to take out much. When I went to the office every day, I stuffed it all into my laptop bag and never carried a purse. And I shamelessly wore a fanny pack (which are apparently making a comeback) on a couple of vacations (no notebook). Speaking of vacations, I always pack a tote with my journal, writing pad (for letters), a variety of pens and highlighters, notecards and stamps, and several books from different genres so that I will have something to read that suits my fancy. But then I end up using one thing out of the whole bag. <facepalm>
I can SO relate to that - whenever I pack to go anywhere I take EVERYTHING writing-related with me, and then bring it all home again, having only ever used my tiny TN! On our last long van trip last autumn I'd dreamed of writing for hours whenever Jim was downloading and editing his day's pictures, imagining that I'd be sitting in the van with my big notebook writing draft after draft for Substack, or typing my thoughts up on my computer, but no! I was so busy having adventures that the only writing I brought home was in the form of copious short lines of scrawl in my TN!
(Yay to the fanny pack! We call that a 'bum bag' over here, and heck, it can be a useful format! Oh, and it's 'bum bag' because the word beginning with f that you mentioned is a rather less-mentioned part of the anatomy in British English!)
I remember your post about that van trip and how you didn’t write as much as you thought you would. I can relate!
How funny about the “front bum” word.🤣 I had no idea. It’s good we are friends, Rebecca. You may save me future embarrassment. You can't do anything about past embarrassment, unfortunately, such as that time I was chatting with a friend who also lives in the UK and mentioned that someone “had lots of spunk!” 😳
This is notebook porn. Thank you. I use Moleskine lined notebooks for daily journals, morning pages, that kind of thing. I use the Leuchtsturm soft-covered, dotted page notebooks for organizing life. There are also mostly moleskine notebooks by topic-e.g., restaurants. I’m not going to get into the Muji-fixation I have--the zillion ring notebooks and the graph paper! Nor am I going to talk about Ulysses and google Keep.
I really loved this --and everything else you write!
Ooooh, you're a Moleskiner - I used to use their hardback pocket-sized ones years ago - and their medium-sized ones, which I think are a little narrower than A5, were a great size for longer-form requirements. When I started bullet journalling I discovered Leuchtturm A5 dot grid notebooks, and they're absolutely wonderful. I've switched allegiance!
Muji stationery is gorgeous: I used to spend far too much time (and money!) in the Muji shop that wasn't far from where I worked in London. I'm not even sure they have shops over here any more, though.
Oh, cool, thanks so much! I used to go to one of the London branches when I lived and worked there - I'm glad they're still around. I wonder if there's one closer to home? I'm going to check out their store finder right now!
I actually struggle to use a notebook out and about for all of the reasons you describe. I've tried several things and haven't struck on the right fit yet. This solution looks perfect, but I don't tend to wear trousers with proper waist bands so not sure it would work for me. I keep my full size travelers notebook on the mantle (out of the toddler's reach) and pull it down to journal. Maybe once we move past the diaper bag stage I'll start carrying a bag or purse again. 😂 I had a lovely leather one I wore all around London when I was at uni. Thanks for the deep dive and all the ideas. I'm wondering if I can adapt a book strap for my son's communication tablet. I've had the same frustrations with toting that around in a backpack. There has to be a better way! 🧐
It's definitely a thing, Sarah, isn't it, this 'on the go' notebooking issue?! I'm interested that you've got a full-sized TN - when I was notebook shopping last spring, knowing I wanted smaller than my A5 bullet journal, I risked going too small by ordering the passport-sized TN. In fact it's perfect for me in terms of portability, but I'm thinking that next time I'm in the market for a notebook I might try the standard size, but that would probably just be used at home, or slung into my backpack, rather than wearing it. I'll keep the passport one for when I'm out on walks, though - I don't think I'd get away with anything bigger on my belt.
Fab that the book strap might be a plan for your son's tablet! Re the trouser waistband issue - you could always wear a belt just slung around your hips, not attached to the trousers themselves, and attach your notebook on its strap to that.
I've forgotten all the British paper / notebook sizes, but I've measured and mine is 14x22cm. It's made by a local company and has an extra flap over the cover (a trifold) so it's all enclosed. I use it for my free writing, but there's room for more inserts so I've also had a sketchbook and gratitude journal in there in the past.
I'm glad you finally came up with a solution Rebecca. It appears you did an exhaustive search. I wouldn't have even thought about some of those items you thought might work.
Personally, I don't carry a notebook with me. I usually use the Notes option on my cellphone. I've gotten pretty good at typing fast with my thumbs. Sometimes I'll be typing so fast that I don't realize how much I have written until I go back and look at it.
Glad you got the "Leave Comments" thing figured out. I know you mentioned it to me and I was perplexed too. Now you know not to copy and paste everything.
I don’t really carry around a specific notebook. I do have a small one that fits in my purse but usually, when I’m out and about I just use my notes app or Google Keep. At home I have notebooks scattered throughout the house which I didn’t realize until reading Alison’s comment. :)
Oooh, Susi - I haven't heard of Google Keep - I might have a look at that!
LOL re notebooks scattered through the house - love it! I think I'd tie myself in knots if I had more than just the two, though. Mind you, that's precisely why I schlep so much stuff around with me all the time... so you might just be on to something!
I am slightly embarrassed to say that I don't have a regular notebook and I instead use the Notes app on my phone. I do have a journal that I keep in the cabinet in my home office, but I don't carry that with me. It only ever leaves the house if I am traveling overnight somewhere.
Thanks, Amy - baskets are fabulous! I'd often wondered about replacing it with a new one - I'd picked mine up second-hand, and it's got lots of gaps and broken bits. Then I realised that what I love about it IS that it's so battered! Now that I'm leaving the house more often, I prefer the convenience of a bag.
You've mentioned the Notes app, too - I don't have a regular habit of making notes on my phone, but I think I'm going to try that more often. There are plenty of situations where I would probably welcome the convenience, now that I think about it! Lots of people are telling me that they use it, and hey, they're probably on to something!
Oooh. I use my phone for notes about what stories to share etc, but I want a notebook for drawing when I am out and about. Will check out that brand of notebook coz it looks great!
Oh, cool, Medha! Traveler's Company - and others, I'm sure - produce sketchbook inserts for their covers, as well as ordinary paper. Watercolour too, I think! I've got a plain insert as well as my dot grid notebook in my TN cover at the moment, as I'm trying to get into the habit of making art again. It's nice that multiple inserts fit - I think they suggest up to three or even four inserts, but I go for a maximum of two, otherwise it's a bit unwieldy!
Oh I love this. 🤣 Shame it had to come from Amazon (boo, Bezos) but a very elegant solution nonetheless. I just moved to Notes on my phone so, for the first time in about 25 years, have stopped carrying a notebook everywhere. I feel naked 😳 but it does cut out the intermediate step of transcription...
Thanks, Jill! And you make an excellent point about Amazon. How are you getting on with the Notes app? It’s such a different process to notebooking, but is certainly convenient and potentially time-saving! My regular collaborator Terry Freedman suggested voice notes a while back, when I was complaining that my fingers were too cold to write! Haven’t tried yet!
Somewhat to my shame, I am really liking Notes. I love that I can use it on my phone to make notes as I go and then just open the app on my laptop later to edit/keep going. I think my thumbs can capture a thought as quickly as (maybe quicker than?) my whole hand... ✍️ I should test that theory. X
Oooooh, thumbs! That might be a way for me to go - I'm sooooo slow on a phone keyboard! It's great that it works across phone/tablet/computer - I might just have a dabble...
One of our cats, Minty, has a habit of leaping on to my lap every time I get my laptop out. That happened yesterday, so I read some of a book I had to review instead, and made notes on it by speaking into my phone into a google doc. That text will form the basis of my review. It definitely works, even though it's not my preference. But Minty comes first (we're planning to elope together).
LOL - what does Elaine have to say about your plans with Minty?!
All this tech I'm learning about in these comments - I should be taking notes....!!
Her response when I broke the news to her was "Oh good" 😕
Won't she miss her? 🤣
Wait! Don't you feel sorry for ME??! 😂
Very ingenious! Will have to remember this as I was recently gifted a small sketchbook of similar size, specifically for times when I’ve photographed all the birds but Ben still has lots of fishing left in the tank. (I’ve also been thinking about a front holster for my camera and lens, so I can wear it while hiking but free up my hands for balance...like one of those baby pouches, but for gear 😅)
Ooooooh, you need a tiny belt, Bryn! 🤣
Mind you, I think you’re on the right track with a pouch - that way you’ve got sketchbook and drawing gear AND camera stuff all at your fingertips! 😊
I love this so much! Genius.
Thank you so much! 😊
I carry my notebook in my tote bag, or my belt bag. I am very much a Bag Person (actually this is what my next post is going to be about), schlepping my stuff around like that. At home, I have different notebooks in different rooms. Good for organization? No. Good for creativity? Yup! I also keep a little notebook (a physician brought it back from Germany for me!) on my desk at work for non-work ideas that pop into my head - if there’s something really good, I take a photo of the page with my phone and bring it home that way.
I love your idea of having different notebooks in different rooms, Alison! Mind you, I’d get sooooo lost - ‘Where was I when I wrote THAT down…?’ is something I’d be asking myself repeatedly if I couldn’t find a note I’d made! Great plan to take a snap of notes made at work - that’s a pro tip!
I used to be all about bags, but in the first lockdown I didn’t leave the house at all for months, and so I just had everything in my basket. I love my Kånken backpack, though - and having a bag again means that I know I’ve got everything with me whether I’m at home, at work or just out.
Your belt bag sounds interesting! Looking forward to your post about bag life. 😊
So proud! :)
Oh, Lord. I hadn't thought about the back pocket sag. But in my case, perhaps "perky" isn't exactly a need or desire.
Such a struggle to find a practical and fashionable solution to the dragging-the-notebook-around problem. But resourcefulness wins in the end, doesn't it!
I have always had the little notebooks in the back right pocket or sometimes in the right pocket of a jacket. (I am the kind of guy who wears a jacket in order to have more pockets. Useful things, pockets.) The larger format notebooks always seemed difficult to carry around, so when I had one, it sticks on the desk or table where it was carried last. Not handy.
And thank you for the heads up on my replication of your "Leave a Comment" button confusion! I got caught by that Substack misdirection, too. I'd have never noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out to me.
I love that you dress according to your need for pockets - that's such a great plan!
LOL re the 'Leave a comment' button - I had no idea what had happened in that last post of mine, and it had been driving me absolutely nuts! I couldn't believe the coincidence of it happening to you - this isn't in anyway Schadenfreude, but I read your 'Leaning over the hood' post yesterday just after scheduling this one, and when I'd tried and failed to comment I was like 'YES! It's NOT just me!!!' Kindred spirits, Mark! 🤣 Glad you managed to get it sorted - I have now left the comment I'd intended!
I'm just popping the link here in case anyone reading these comments would like to read 'Leaning over the hood'! https://technocomplex.substack.com/p/leaning-over-the-hood
Defo. I missed that post somehow, so thanks for the link.
I love this little notebook! It reminds me of my grandfather and some of my great uncles- my mom’s side of the family are all MASSIVE more takers. These days, I just jot down ideas on my phone in the notes app. Those (sometimes) get translated into a more fleshed out version of what I’m putting in my newsletter this month in my journal. I love my journals, but I certainly haven’t found a handy way to carry them.
I'm so pleased, Camille! How lovely that you've got such a long-standing notebooking family history! I don't use the notes app on my phone - it's something I ought to try out - I find I'm pretty slow on a phone keyboard, so my first choice has always been pen and paper. One of these days I'll catch up with the tech that I'm always two steps behind on!
I totally get it ! I was born into the generation of phones and its super handy to always have around because my mind is always going- but I can appreciate writing everything down !
What a journey! Wonderful story! I need to make notes because I create a ridiculous amount of clutter with writing and reading paraphernalia.
Thanks so much, Mark! Gotta love that writing clutter!
Oh I love this! Was so excited to see you finally got around to figuring out a book belt! It looks very stylish! And you’re following in the footsteps of some brilliant Renaissance people!
Thanks, Jillian! LOL - I'm showing my ignorance here, but I'd never come across book belts before - I didn't even know they were a thing! I'm really, really pleased with mine.
I wonder if you've done a post about any Renaissance 'book beltists' that was published before I landed on Substack - if you have, would you be able to link it here? That would be so great! 😊
I didn't, though that would be a very cool post to do! My post on daVinci does mention the book belt though. That's how he carried his around. https://jillianhess.substack.com/p/leonardo-da-vincis-zibaldone
But I seem to remember us having conversations about notebook belts in the comments section of one of our posts?
Ooooh, thanks for the link, Jillian - gosh, I don't know how I'd missed this!
This is very likely to be related to my hopeless powers of recollection these days, but I really don't remember talking about notebook belts before! Now they're at the front of my mind, though, I'm going to be looking out for them on every waistband that passes me!
FOUND IT, Jillian!!!! The mention of notebook holsters was by the fabulous Anne Kadet on your Patricia Highsmith post, which you'd posted a while before I'd found you and subscribed! I'm so glad I looked back. Anyway, I've been making up for not having seen all of your September posts (the first I'd seen had been Virginia Woolf) - I've had an absolutely gorgeous re-read of almost your entire Substack canon this evening, including comments, and I'm in absolute HEAVEN!
You so magically built up suspense in this story I could hardly wait to get to the end to find out the solution! Nice work. Two other ideas you might consider researching: the flat nylon mesh passport pouches that attach inside your waist band, OR for some occasions, the tall socks travelers wear that have a pocket for carrying a passport?
But the thing that really got me was your invention of the word pocketage. It called to mind a line in a film where a teenage boy made a lewd comment about a girl's "breastage". And my little nephew, who offered to clean up the ribbons and shredded paper debris after Xmas calling it "wrappage". You may get lost, but you are a CLEVER woman who gets lost.
Sharron, you're so kind - thank you! And two new suggestions for carrying a notebook - oooooh, I might just have to look into those! I had no idea such socks existed!
I had fun with 'pristine pocketage'! I enjoy coming up with quirky alliterative phrases just for a giggle. If a word doesn't yet exist, then heck, that's an invitation to invent one! 'Breastage' is funny - just a short sidestep from 'cleavage' - and I love 'wrappage'!
Your posts continue to be a highlight in my Saturday mornings! "pristine pocketage"--I'm dying!
I carry an A5 dot-grid journal with me most of the time. I've taken to brightly colored ones so I can spot them quickly as I'm going from room to room at home or if I go over to my event venue two blocks away. In the last couple of years I've started using a particular style crossbody purse that is large enough to slip the notebook into. No, I don't walk around my house wearing a crossbody bag, but when I'm out shopping or walking to the post office, etc., I typically have this bag with me.
When I need to lighten things up, I might leave the purse and only take my phone, photo ID, and a credit card, which I can slide into a pocket. In those situations, I pull out my phone and add my thoughts to a note.
Love your solution! We all have to find what works for our own wardrobe and lifestyle.
You're so kind, Holly - thank you!
I love that you take your A5 notebook with you - and it's a great plan to have a bright colour to make it easy to spot! I've always find it interesting thinking about what people take with them when they're out and about - I always seem to carry loads. Oddly, if I've got stuck into reading a really good book I'm always desperate to take that with me everywhere, even when I know there's little to no chance of getting to read it! 🤣
I think it helps that I work from home now. I don't really have to think about what to take out much. When I went to the office every day, I stuffed it all into my laptop bag and never carried a purse. And I shamelessly wore a fanny pack (which are apparently making a comeback) on a couple of vacations (no notebook). Speaking of vacations, I always pack a tote with my journal, writing pad (for letters), a variety of pens and highlighters, notecards and stamps, and several books from different genres so that I will have something to read that suits my fancy. But then I end up using one thing out of the whole bag. <facepalm>
I can SO relate to that - whenever I pack to go anywhere I take EVERYTHING writing-related with me, and then bring it all home again, having only ever used my tiny TN! On our last long van trip last autumn I'd dreamed of writing for hours whenever Jim was downloading and editing his day's pictures, imagining that I'd be sitting in the van with my big notebook writing draft after draft for Substack, or typing my thoughts up on my computer, but no! I was so busy having adventures that the only writing I brought home was in the form of copious short lines of scrawl in my TN!
(Yay to the fanny pack! We call that a 'bum bag' over here, and heck, it can be a useful format! Oh, and it's 'bum bag' because the word beginning with f that you mentioned is a rather less-mentioned part of the anatomy in British English!)
I remember your post about that van trip and how you didn’t write as much as you thought you would. I can relate!
How funny about the “front bum” word.🤣 I had no idea. It’s good we are friends, Rebecca. You may save me future embarrassment. You can't do anything about past embarrassment, unfortunately, such as that time I was chatting with a friend who also lives in the UK and mentioned that someone “had lots of spunk!” 😳
My SIL is from the US and we’ve had no end of hilarity with just these kinds of things - in both directions!
This is notebook porn. Thank you. I use Moleskine lined notebooks for daily journals, morning pages, that kind of thing. I use the Leuchtsturm soft-covered, dotted page notebooks for organizing life. There are also mostly moleskine notebooks by topic-e.g., restaurants. I’m not going to get into the Muji-fixation I have--the zillion ring notebooks and the graph paper! Nor am I going to talk about Ulysses and google Keep.
I really loved this --and everything else you write!
That's so kind - thank you so much!
Ooooh, you're a Moleskiner - I used to use their hardback pocket-sized ones years ago - and their medium-sized ones, which I think are a little narrower than A5, were a great size for longer-form requirements. When I started bullet journalling I discovered Leuchtturm A5 dot grid notebooks, and they're absolutely wonderful. I've switched allegiance!
Muji stationery is gorgeous: I used to spend far too much time (and money!) in the Muji shop that wasn't far from where I worked in London. I'm not even sure they have shops over here any more, though.
I’m going to tell you there are Muji stores in both London and Paris.
Oh, cool, thanks so much! I used to go to one of the London branches when I lived and worked there - I'm glad they're still around. I wonder if there's one closer to home? I'm going to check out their store finder right now!
At the risk of tmi, I’m currently wearing socks and a sweater from muji
I actually struggle to use a notebook out and about for all of the reasons you describe. I've tried several things and haven't struck on the right fit yet. This solution looks perfect, but I don't tend to wear trousers with proper waist bands so not sure it would work for me. I keep my full size travelers notebook on the mantle (out of the toddler's reach) and pull it down to journal. Maybe once we move past the diaper bag stage I'll start carrying a bag or purse again. 😂 I had a lovely leather one I wore all around London when I was at uni. Thanks for the deep dive and all the ideas. I'm wondering if I can adapt a book strap for my son's communication tablet. I've had the same frustrations with toting that around in a backpack. There has to be a better way! 🧐
It's definitely a thing, Sarah, isn't it, this 'on the go' notebooking issue?! I'm interested that you've got a full-sized TN - when I was notebook shopping last spring, knowing I wanted smaller than my A5 bullet journal, I risked going too small by ordering the passport-sized TN. In fact it's perfect for me in terms of portability, but I'm thinking that next time I'm in the market for a notebook I might try the standard size, but that would probably just be used at home, or slung into my backpack, rather than wearing it. I'll keep the passport one for when I'm out on walks, though - I don't think I'd get away with anything bigger on my belt.
Fab that the book strap might be a plan for your son's tablet! Re the trouser waistband issue - you could always wear a belt just slung around your hips, not attached to the trousers themselves, and attach your notebook on its strap to that.
I've forgotten all the British paper / notebook sizes, but I've measured and mine is 14x22cm. It's made by a local company and has an extra flap over the cover (a trifold) so it's all enclosed. I use it for my free writing, but there's room for more inserts so I've also had a sketchbook and gratitude journal in there in the past.
I haven't photographed mine in a while, but it's like this: https://littlemountainbindery.com/collections/custom/products/classic-brown-custom-fillion-1
Such a pretty notebook - thanks for the link, Sarah!
Oooh, a trifold - that’s a really good idea, for protection - I like the sound of that! The size you mention is pretty much A5.
I'm glad you finally came up with a solution Rebecca. It appears you did an exhaustive search. I wouldn't have even thought about some of those items you thought might work.
Personally, I don't carry a notebook with me. I usually use the Notes option on my cellphone. I've gotten pretty good at typing fast with my thumbs. Sometimes I'll be typing so fast that I don't realize how much I have written until I go back and look at it.
Glad you got the "Leave Comments" thing figured out. I know you mentioned it to me and I was perplexed too. Now you know not to copy and paste everything.
Thanks, Matt! I think I'd find using the Notes app helpful - I just need more practice at smartphone keyboarding!
I was so relieved to have got to the bottom of the 'Leave a comment' button problem - but gosh, I felt so silly!
I don’t really carry around a specific notebook. I do have a small one that fits in my purse but usually, when I’m out and about I just use my notes app or Google Keep. At home I have notebooks scattered throughout the house which I didn’t realize until reading Alison’s comment. :)
Oooh, Susi - I haven't heard of Google Keep - I might have a look at that!
LOL re notebooks scattered through the house - love it! I think I'd tie myself in knots if I had more than just the two, though. Mind you, that's precisely why I schlep so much stuff around with me all the time... so you might just be on to something!
I am slightly embarrassed to say that I don't have a regular notebook and I instead use the Notes app on my phone. I do have a journal that I keep in the cabinet in my home office, but I don't carry that with me. It only ever leaves the house if I am traveling overnight somewhere.
I do love your basket!
Thanks, Amy - baskets are fabulous! I'd often wondered about replacing it with a new one - I'd picked mine up second-hand, and it's got lots of gaps and broken bits. Then I realised that what I love about it IS that it's so battered! Now that I'm leaving the house more often, I prefer the convenience of a bag.
You've mentioned the Notes app, too - I don't have a regular habit of making notes on my phone, but I think I'm going to try that more often. There are plenty of situations where I would probably welcome the convenience, now that I think about it! Lots of people are telling me that they use it, and hey, they're probably on to something!
Oooh. I use my phone for notes about what stories to share etc, but I want a notebook for drawing when I am out and about. Will check out that brand of notebook coz it looks great!
Oh, cool, Medha! Traveler's Company - and others, I'm sure - produce sketchbook inserts for their covers, as well as ordinary paper. Watercolour too, I think! I've got a plain insert as well as my dot grid notebook in my TN cover at the moment, as I'm trying to get into the habit of making art again. It's nice that multiple inserts fit - I think they suggest up to three or even four inserts, but I go for a maximum of two, otherwise it's a bit unwieldy!