Sep 18Liked by Rebecca Holden

I just love these letters, Rebecca -- I have been reading over your shoulders since you began them. It is my weekly journey to the UK. Thanks so much!

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Sharron, it’s so good to have you reading our letters! Thank you so much!

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Another fun read. 🤗🤗

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So kind, Beth - thank you! ☺️

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Haha, Kornicki's missive seems to sum up the current culture of western civilization these days! That's a keeper.

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LOL! It’s such a shame when words are used as things to hid behind!

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Ah, the hunt for good telly! My Jim and I don't stream anything but from our library, so we're limited like the Pilgrims in 1620 for viewing options. We also check out DVDs from our library (no surprise there) of British and other countries' TV crime drama shows. Sometimes it's slim pickins! Mr. Kornicki of London W5 wrote a perfect example of word salad: lots of words, no substance! I know folks who talk like that without any practice. As far as many being younger than you, have you noticed the transition one makes when one begins a career and is the youngest to advancing in one's career and being the oldest? (I'm the oldest employee at my present job.) I imagine your FAR from being the oldest, but the perspective changes. Loved this post, RH.

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Oh Mary, I’m now imagining those pilgrims in 1620 all sitting round and ‘streaming’ stories from each other, complete with gestures and costumes! Love it!

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Great job of deciphering Terry's esoteric review, Rebecca. I never knew that Hal was a nickname for Harry so I was behind the eight ball from the start. Loved the corporate "word salad" also.

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I’d never thought ‘Hal’ was short for ‘Harry’, either, because to my mind Harry is a nickname in its own right - for Henry! 🤯

It’s ironic that I could only work out the title of a film set in 2001 and made in 1968 from my familiarity with a play estimated to have been written in 1597! 🤣

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