Sigh. Continue on though! Someday you shall succeed!

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Thanks, Mark, but I’m not sure I’ll ever get there! 🤣

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Sometimes, distractions can be points of interest in disguise. I never discount anything that can be a positive experience :)

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That’s a great way to look at it! 😀

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Great story. One of the beauties of reading posts from other countries is learning new terms like bracken and stile. A suggestion, for next time, might be to show us the moth or whatever creature you encounter. :)

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Thanks so much for your comment - you've spotted my glaring omission! I was so disappointed not to have snapped the moth - I was juggling too many things and only managed to ID it with the app, not snap it. Do you know the 'Seek' app? It's great for identifying bugs and plants and trees and even birds if they sit still long enough!

Bracken is a wild plant with leaves that look a bit like a fern, except that the leaves are arranged on branching stems rather than coming directly up from the base (like an actual fern).

A stile is a built-in means of getting over a fence or a hedge, instead of a gate. Like a gate, a stile is stock-proof so you might find one not just in the wilds but also on agricultural land through which footpaths pass. It's a criss-cross of two wooden steps at different heights, plus a couple of uprights to lean on. You step up from the ground onto the first step, then the second, then throw your leg over the top of the fence, then take the two steps down the other side.

I think I've explained that really badly - sorry! It hadn't occurred to me that a stile might be something my international friends hadn't come across. Or perhaps you have, just by a different name. I'll make sure I snap one for a future post! :D

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I've heard of the 'Seek' app. Never used it before. I actually looked up what each word was before your reply. You definitely explained it in more detail than what I saw so that's good. Saw a photo of a stile so I know what it is now. Thanks.

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Distractions are little gifts from our brains 😉

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I'd never thought of it like that - thanks! :D

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